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We Find The Perfect Prescription For Your Property.

You Enjoy a Beautiful, Healthy and Safe Environment.

LawnRx understands yards are living, breathing hosts and critical spaces to days of relaxation, hobbies, picnics, birthdays, and many other memorable events. Living in New Jersey can bring a range of temperatures and, with that, lawn care challenges. With a proven track record, we can help you find the perfect prescription for your property. 

LawnRx Can Help You - Call Us Today!
Take the Guess Work Out, Let Us Help!

More About Us

Locally Owned And Part Of The Community

Operator-owned, LawnRx is not just another chain but a locally owned small business and part of the fabric that makes up this community. The owner of LawnRx, born and raised in union county, has worked on the community's grounds for over 20 years. 


We Treat Your Property Like Our Own

Having insight into the local area's grounds allows us to address unique needs and make the best recommendations for properties. We assess your property through our LawnRx Prescription Process and, only then, create a custom plan for your review.


We Believe In Transparency

We understand things spring up, such as clovers, a shrub that doesn't look "right", a party in need of bug control. Call us. Don't hesitate! We know timing is crucial and aim to accommodate any issues within 24-48 hours.


Talk To Us. Phone, Email, Text, Or In Person! 

Communication is the third pillar of our LawnRx Prescription Process and is essential for lawn care. Having a working relationship allows us to confirm that you are "enjoying" your property and it's healthy, which is our ultimate goal.


LawnRx also provides each customer with a portal to track services, visits and even pay their bill. We encourage customers to sign up for this option but understand that not everyone is comfortable with an online option. 


Consistency Is Key

LawnRx knows time spent consistently with a property, the better the property can become. We deploy a dedicated lawn care specialist for each account. This allows our lawn care specialist to learn the property, deploys IPM, identify subtle changes, and build a working relationship with the customer.


We believe in a holistic approach to lawn care and consistency in the lawn care specialist, visits, and communication combined with the use of high-quality materials all factor into premium lawn care service.


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